In the News

- Tuesday, 15 December, The Advocate Sunshine Planet Earth is talking to us' (Participant Michael Mois interviewed)
- Wednesday, 2 December, City of Sydney Live Green Newsletter
- Tuesday, 1 December, Sydney Central Courier, Global Warming the Burning Issue for Sydneysiders
- Tuesday, 25 November, Public Sector News, Public deliberation as a democratic process
- Monday 24 November, G-Mag Online, World First: Global Climate Poll
- Sunday, 23 November, Southern Courier, Politicians out of step with public opinion on climate change (Statements of Sydney Lord Mayor, Clover Moore)
- Monday, 16 November, Australian Policy Online, What can deliberative processes tell us?
- Monday, 16 November, Reuters Carbon Central, Should Australia step up to make climate deal?
- Sunday, 15 November, The Age, Melbourne, Carbon Scheme "in the bag"
- Sunday, 15 November, Sydney Herald-Sun, Farmers cheer ETS win
- Sunday, 15 November, WA Today, Carbon Scheme "in the bag"
- Thursday, 8 October, The Ocean Grove Echo, Exchanging climate views (Participant Christine Garvey interviewed)
- Thursday, 22 October, ABC Future Tense Program, World Wide Views on Global Warming (Participants Susan Gascoine and Richard Overall interviewed with ISF Research Director Chris Riedy)
- Tuesday, 20 October, Stonnington Leader, Getting a grasp on global views (Participant Zoe Rouhard interviewed)
- Tuesday, 20 October, Eastern Suburbs Reporter, Jamie warms to an environmental appeal (Participant Jamie Blackwood interviewed)
- Tuesday, 20 October, Stirling Times, Jamie has his say on warming (Participant Jamie Blackwood interviewed)
- Friday, 9 October, Noosa News, Peter answers the call for a change (Participant Peter Lyons interviewed)
- Friday, 9 October, Eastern Suburbs TV, What is World Wide Views on Global Warming? (feature page)
- Friday, 9 October, St George and Sutherland Shire Leader, Brainstorm on Climate Change (Participant Nichola Ahern interviewed)
- Wednesday, 7 October, Pine Rivers Press, A Global View (Participants Bob Edwards and Sharon Stevenson interviewed)
- Wednesday, 7 October, South West News, Now he's a believer (Participant John McDougal interviewed)
- Monday, 5 October, Environmental Manager (Subscriber-only email) Climate change comments aired
- Friday, 2 October, Castlemaine Mail, Local Input on World Problem (Participants Liesl Krebs and Vera Rudinica interviewed)
- Wednesday, 30 September, Bendigo Advertiser, Climate Change a Hot Issue (Participant Liesl Krebs interviewed)
- Tuesday, 29 September, Waste Management and the Environment, (Subscriber only website), A better world view on climate change
- Tuesday, 29 September, UTS Newsroom, Australian views on global warming, first in world-wide consultation
- Monday 28 September, Sydney Morning Herald, Australians back climate action
- Saturday, 26 September, ABC News Report, (Participants Brian Stone, Annette Whitcombe and Maggie Copp interviewed)
- Saturday, 26 September, Radio 702 Sydney, Prof. Stuart White (ISF) and Michelle Keith (Maitland) interviewed
- Saturday, 26 September, SBS Ethnic Radio, Prof. Stuart White interviewed
- Friday, 25 September, Radio 5AA Adelaide, Prof. Stuart White interviewed
- Wednesday, 23 September, Newcastle Post, Climate talks across globe (Participant Tricia May interviewed)
The World
(A sample of articles available on-line)
- Monday, 7 December, Antara News (Indonesia), Konfrensi Iklim Dunia Dipercepat 9 Desember (Climate conference approaching, December 9)
- Sunday, 6 December, La Nation (Chile), Copenhague se prepara para ser la cumbre del mundo (Copenhagen prepares for World Summit)
- Monday, 26 October,, Do people really care about the climate?
- Saturday, 24 October, Economic Times, People World-wide want a stronger climate policy - survey
- Thrusday, 22 October, Reuters, New Survey Find US and 37 other countries want more agressive action on climate change than congress envision
- Friday, 2 October, Japan Times (English) 70% of Japanese back Hatoyama's CO 2 pledge: survey
- Thursday, October 1,Ungandan Monitor online, Ugandans demand fair deal on climate
- Wednesday, 30 Sept, Novethic, World Wide Views, première consultation citoyenne mondiale sur le climat (World Wide Views, the first world citizen's consultation on climate)
- Tuesday, 29 Sept,, Los españoles creen urgente un nuevo acuerdo sobre el clima en Copenhague (The Spanish believe a new deal on climate at Copenhagen is urgent)
- Tuesday, 29 Sept, Copenhagen Website, Citizens worldwide: strike a deal in Copenhagen
- Monday, 28 Sept, CBC News, Canada, Climate change conference takes the pulse of Canadians
- Monday, 28 Sept, CBC News, Canada, Canadians talk climate change for UN
- Monday, 28 Sept, EuroInvestor, Climat - Un sondage mondial en faveur d'objectifs plus ambitieux
- Sunday 27 Sept, Calgary Herald, Citizens call for tougher climate change targets
- Sunday 27 Sept, Indian Express, Now, click to save the planet
- Sunday 27 Sept, Eygptian News, Why do we care? Global Survey asks eygptians about climate change
- Monday, 28 Sept, Evening Telegraph, (UK) Climate change a hot topic and town summit
- Saturday, 26 Sept, Bangladesh On-line, Government needs private help to fight climate change
- Saturday, 26 September, Taiwan News, World Wide Views on Global Warming to be held today