>> All media releases about the Australian and global events will be posted here <<

Journalists and crews must be registered to attend on Fri 25 and Sat 26 Sept

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Latest Media Release

20 Nov, 2009: New Report: World Citizens Demand Action at COP15

A new report, published by The Danish Board of Technology, shows that citizens from all corners of the world have equally high ambitions for the upcoming COP15 negotiations: A global climate deal must be sealed in Copenhagen this December.

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16 Nov 2009: New research shows Australians from city and country want more action on climate change

As Senate debate begins on the hotly contested emissions trading scheme researchers from the University of Technology Sydney are taking the message to political leaders that ordinary people want less talk and more action on climate change.

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28 Sept. 89% of Australian citizens call for 25% emissions cuts or higher in global consultation with 38 countries

Right on the tail of the UN Summit on Climate Change in New York City, this weekend ordinary citizens from all corners of the world met to express their views on climate change and how a future climate deal should be shaped.


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14 Sept, 2009. One hundred Australians to talk climate change in Sydney with over 4,000 others around the world

On 25 and 26 September, around 100 Australians will come together in Sydney for talks of global significance in the quest for answers to climate change.

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