Letters of Endorsement
- Australian Ambassador to Denmark - Sharyn Minahan
- Minister for Climate Change - Hon. Penny Wong
- World Wide Views Ambassador, Danish Minister for Energy - Connie Hedegaard
Statements of Support
Ross Milbourne,Vice Chancellor, University of Technology, Sydney![]() |
World Wide Views on Global Warming is not only giving citizens a voice in the international climate negotiations, it is also providing social research linked to Australian and international policy. This is an issue that is recognised as critical by a majority of Australians. The University of Technology,. We are proud to be the partner and major sponsor of World Wide Views Australia. Sydney is internationally recognised as delivering research which is at the cutting edge of creativity and technology |
Mark JohnsonCEO, PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia |
"PricewaterhouseCoopers is proud to be the platinum sponsor of the Australian World Wide Views on Global Warming dialogue. This event gives people the opportunity to tell us what they would like to change to address climate change, one of the greatest challenges facing us today. We encourage participants to put forward their views and present them to the decision makers who will attend COP-15 in Copenhagen." |
Gavin Jennings MLCVictorian Minister for Environment and Climate Change and Minister for Innovation
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"Climate change is the big public policy issue for this century and the Victorian Government is taking immediate action to tackle this global challenge. "To successfully adapt to and reduce the impacts of climate change requires innovation and creativity and a partnership between the state government, local governments, business and communities. "The Victorian Government’s objective is a truly sustainable response: creating economic opportunity; adopting new approaches to supporting vibrant and resilient communities and households; and managing and adapting to the impacts of climate change on our shared natural assets. "I am confident that the Victorian Government’s support of forums such as the World Wide Views on Global Warming significantly contributes to shaping the way we successfully manage climate change impacts in our local and global environment |
Michael UllmerDeputy Group CEO, National Australia Bank |
"Adapting to climate change will affect every one of us in different ways. NAB has joined the international business community and signed the Copenhagen Communique, which calls for a strong and equitable global approach to climate change. "This Communique will be tabled at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009. "Creating opportunities for everyday Australians to be heard at this conference is important, and it's why we're supporting World Wide Views on Global Warming. In preparation for Copenhagen, World Wide Views will bring Australians together to discuss and vote on what matters to them, and ensure they have a voice at the table in December." |
Greg BourneCEO, WWF-Australia![]() |
"Through WWF's Earth Hour, Australians led the world in a call for action on climate change. Now in the lead up to Copenhagen, World Wide Views on Global Warming gives ordinary Australian citizens another voice on climate change - both nationally and internationally.